3-Style Football

3-STyle Football is built upon the very core foundations of football. We base our ethos around individual player development and try to produce an environment in which players can flourish.

On average the following statistics are linked to 3 v 3 football

  • 85% Ball Rolling Time Per Session

  • Over 100 touches per game

  • Over 1000 steps per game

How do we give opportunities for outcomes?

  • Provide the best indoor 4G facility in Middlesbrough meaning weather does not have any impact.

  • Provide competition matched on age and ability to ensure players are challenged

  • Only encouragement and positive input with no instructions allowing players to form their own understanding

Each week is run as a competition to ensure players are motivated and have a marker to track progress, however we highlight throughout that the session is more what players can take from it than overall scores.

Who is this for?

We will be running these sessions for both higher and lower abilities boys and girls through various age groups throughout the season. Presently this 3 v 3 format is now officially in use by the England Talent ID for female players so provides a huge help.

3 v 3 outcomes


Friday 17th MARCH

U7 U8 U9 U10 GIRLS

3 v 3

Indoor Eston Herlinshaw Centre


30 Spaces Available

6.45 - 8.00 PM 

Friday 24th March

U11 U12 U13

3 v 3

Indoor Eston Herlinshaw Centre


30 Spaces Available

6.45 - 8.00 PM 

3-Style Football